
Ote co-space

Event Space Managment : Ryota Yokozeki
Creative Direction : Ryota Yokozeki
Space Design : Ryota Yokozeki & Tunnel design
Graphic Design : Kaito Kita (RYS)
Booking by Space market

Event Space Management : Ryota Yokozeki
Creative Direction : Ryota Yokozeki
Space Design : Ryota Yokozeki & Tunnel design
Graphic Design : Kaito Kita (RYS)
Booking by co-space

Ote co-space

We renovated the 50-year-old space and rebuilt it as a space that can be used as a photography studio, home party, rental meeting room, and gallery. Because of the special structure of the Japanese-style room inside the reinforced concrete frame, the design was reconstructed to preserve the characteristics of the existing structure while breaking it. Taking advantage of the spacious space and conscious of the harmonization of existing and newly added materials, we mixed and harmonized various materials such as Japanese paper, Mortex, stucco, concrete, and wooden frames. As an experimental event space, it is also a space for exploring and reconsidering a new relationship between people, space and products by renting in various ways by own management.
